I have always been a big believer in unique, yet practical, domain names. There are a lot of reasons why your domain name should be creative; and there are some pretty neat tricks you can use to develop a creative domain name. Once you have the perfect domain name that symbolizes your company, you can get to work creating a strong online presence and protect your business name as well.
Be Memorable
A creative domain name can make it easier for your customers to remember your company and your website address. For example, you may find that there are a lot of retailers called “Bob’s Shoes” online. But only your business has the domain name BobsShoesNY.com – using a location may help guide users and can be beneficial in local search results.
Stand Out From the Crowd
One of the biggest challenges I face each time I try to help a client to establish a web presence is wading through all of the domain names that are similar to or the same as the company name. If your company is called Jones Inc., then it can be assumed that the incorporation process insured that you are the only Jones Incorporated in the United States. But, you would be surprised at how many domain names have “Jones” and some form of “incorporated” in them. When you have a unique domain name, then your company can stand out from the Joneses.
It Helps With Website SEO
As someone familiar with SEO, I understand that having a memorable domain name can be beneficial. It only takes a few steps to associate your company name with your domain name in the major search engines. Once the association has been made, you may have just opened up a whole new set of SEO keywords which apply only to your company.
Developing a Creative Domain Name
When I develop a creative domain name, I start off with a brainstorming session that has no boundaries. I write down the company name, the industry the company is in, and at least three important elements of the company’s business. You must limit your domain names to three words or less, and it should only be 15 to 20 characters long. After a little brainstorming, I have a long list of creative domain names I can use to establish a strong Internet presence.
Trademark Protection
Anything that helps identify your company will help in establishing trademarks in the United States, and around the world. Your creative domain name not only helps your company to stand apart from the competition, but it can also act as a way for you to positively identify your company and separate yourself from any of the imitators that have sprung up as the result of your success.
A creative domain name for your website can be a fun way for customers to identify and remember your business. But there are also some very practical reasons why I prefer to create a domain name for my customers that is different from all the rest.